"In this sacred journey, we call life, my true purpose is to be a guiding light, helping souls remember their true essence and awaken to the magnificent beings they truly are. For in remembering, we reclaim our power, wisdom, and infinite connection to the universe."


Dakota Earth Cloud Walker

Dakota Earth Cloud Walker

Dakota, the founder of Gaia Wisdom School, is a renowned international teacher, author, speaker, and shaman. With over 25 years of experience as a Shamanic Arts practitioner, Dakota has been trained by esteemed shamans in the United States and Ireland. Certified in Shamanic Breathwork from Venus Rising School and Trance Dance from Ernesto Ortiz, Dakota teaches the Medicine Wheel Teachings, drawing upon Celtic and Druidic beliefs. She is also a certified Celebrant by The Order of Ovates, Bards, and Druids based in Wales, England.


Dakota's teachings and meditations have transformed the lives of countless people worldwide, earning her a reputation as a respected and beloved meditation coach. Her guided meditations and shamanic journeys, which are channeled rather than scripted, have earned her a place among Insight Timer's top 100 meditation teachers.


A passionate educator, Dakota has nearly 30 years of experience teaching and facilitating soul growth in individuals and groups. In addition to her soul teachings, Dakota has developed and taught the majority of the curriculum for the nation's largest massage therapy schools and has exclusively taught her own work for the past three decades.


In her role as a Celebrant, Dakota is honored to have been trained and certified by the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, based in England. As an ordained Shamanic Minister, she has officiated ceremonies for name changes, funerals, and marriages through the Venus Rising Institute. Her unique experiences as a Celebrant include officiating a funeral for a pig elected mayor of Todd, NC.


As a Master Ritualist, Dakota integrates rituals and ceremonies into her daily life, recognizing them as powerful forces both within and outside of us. She assists others in creating meaningful moments and experiences using rituals and ceremonies, which serve as powerful tools for healing and divination for Shamanic Practitioners.


Dakota's fascinating life journey includes epic road adventures, a career as a professional river guide in Utah, and a history as a horse whisperer. She has also worked as a massage therapist for stars and professional athletes, raised a pet deer named Buddha, and maintained a 30-year love affair with coffee while running her own business.


In the spiritual community of shamanism and Druidry, Dakota is a beacon of wisdom, guidance, and transformation. Her teachings, meditations, and ceremonies continue to touch lives and create lasting connections with the extraordinary.

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